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Centre Victoria pour femmes presents the #JeMérite 2021 Scholarship Recipient

The recipient of the #JeMérite scholarship for the year 2021 is Amélia Melançon.

Amélia is a resilient young woman who has overcome several challenges, including racism and bullying. Of Chinese origin, Amélia was adopted at the age of 8 months by Franco-Ontarian parents living in Timmins. She is proud of her French language, which is why she chose to study nursing in French. Amélia has often faced questions about being adopted, her ethnicity, and her identity. She has educated herself about her Asian identity, particularly through the #AsianLivesMatter movement. This has allowed her to learn about her origins and various forms of racism. These lessons have helped her take better care of herself. She is now proud of who she is.

She would like to share her personal experiences with other young women facing similar challenges. She shares values aligned with those of the Victoria Women’s Centre, including respect, equity, diversity, and individualization, among others.

Amélia has just completed her first year in Nursing Science at Laurentian University and will return to her studies in September 2021.

Congratulations, Amélia!

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