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CVF- Récipiendaire de la bourse #JeMérite 2024 - Valérie Gauthier-Fortin

Centre Victoria pour femmes presents the #JeMérite 2024 Scholarship Recipient

The winner of the 2024 #JeMérite scholarship is Valérie Gauthier-Fortin.

Valérie lives in the Greater Sudbury area. After a difficult childhood with many family challenges, Valérie realized that the best family is the one you choose.

At 28, she went through two big hardships. She lost a pregnancy and then found out that it had led to gestational cancer. After many medical treatments, she finished her twelfth and final round of chemotherapy in January 2024. Her fight continues, but she remains strong.

Valérie has shown great determination by trying therapy and focusing on her mental health and well-being. She has overcome these struggles with the amazing support of her husband, in-laws, sister, brother, friends, and teachers—her chosen family.

School has brought a lot of good into Valérie’s life. She earned a degree in French Studies, completed a master’s in Sociology, and is now working on a PhD in Humanities. She is also the president of Acfas-Nouvel-Ontario.

Congratulations, Valérie!

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